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Metaverse Examples

Create your personalized metaverse.json file and publish it to the URL used when creating your verse.
Note: Raw GitHub Gist links and Glitch links work well.

Basic Environment (Valid presets: none, default, contact, egypt, checkerboard, forest, goaland, yavapai, goldmine, threetowers, poison, arches, tron, japan, dream, volcano, starry, osiris)
More info: aframe-environment-component

{"entities": [{ "id":"backdrop", "environment":"preset:forest" }]}
view raw metaverse.json hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Classic A-Frame primitives (A-Frame docs)

"entities": [
{ "id":"box", "position": "-1 0.5 -3", "rotation": "0 45 0", "geometry": { "primitive": "box"}, "material": { "color": "#4CC3D9" } },
{ "id":"sphere", "position": "0 1.25 -5", "geometry": { "primitive": "sphere", "radius": "1.25"}, "material": { "color": "#EF2D5E" } },
{ "id":"cylinder", "position": "1 0.75 -3", "geometry": { "primitive": "cylinder", "radius": "0.5", "height": "1.5"}, "material": { "color": "#FFC65D" } },
{ "id":"plane", "position": "0 0 -4", "rotation": "-90 0 0", "geometry": { "primitive": "plane", "width": "4", "height": "4"}, "material": { "color": "#7BC8A4" } },
{ "id":"sky", "geometry": { "primitive": "sky"}, "material": { "color": "#ECECEC" } }
view raw metaverse.json hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Using GLTF models as venues (Search SketchFab)

"assets": [
{ "id": "cityModel", "src": ""}
"entities": [
{ "id":"city", "gltf-model": "#cityModel"}
view raw kidville.json hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Adding sky and lighting elements

"assets": [
{ "id": "gathering-hall-gltf", "src": ""},
{ "id": "gathering-hall-navmesh-gltf", "src": ""}
"entities": [
{ "id":"city", "gltf-model": "#gathering-hall-gltf", "scale":"1 1 1", "position":"0 0 0", "shadow":"receive: true; cast: true;"},
{ "id":"light", "geometry": { "primitive": "light"}, "type":"ambient", "color":"#FFF", "intensity": "1.5", "position":"0 3 0"},
{ "id":"floor-plan", "class":"navmesh", "gltf-model":"#gathering-hall-navmesh-gltf", "position":"0 0 0", "nav-mesh":""},
{ "id":"sky", "geometry": { "primitive": "sky"}, "radius":"5000", "material":"fog: false;", "src":"", "scale":""}
view raw arena.json hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Embedding HTML pages, videos, audio, etc.

"assets": [
{ "id": "cityModel", "src": ""}
"entities": [
{ "id":"city", "gltf-model": "#cityModel"}
{ "id":"video", "position": { "x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 19 }, "rotation": { "x": 0, "y": 180, "z": 0}, "scale": 45, "html": "<video autoplay loop='true' crossorigin='anonymous' src='' type='video/mp4' playsinline webkit-playsinline style='position: absolute;z-index: -1000;'></video>" }
view raw metaverse.json hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Mixing assets, entities, and embeds

{"entities": [
{ "id":"backdrop", "environment":"preset:forest" },
{ "id":"tree", "scale":"5 5 5", "position":"15 10 -15", "obj-model":"obj: #tree-obj; mtl: #tree-mtl" },
{ "id":"floor", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 0.1, "width": 12, "depth":18 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"wall1", "position": "-6 6 0", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 0.1, "depth":18 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"chimney", "position": "5 6 5", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 2, "depth":8 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"basement", "position": "-4.5 6 7.5", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 3, "depth":3 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"wall2", "position": "6 6 0", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 0.1, "depth":18 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"wall1", "position": "-6 6 0", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 0.1, "depth":18 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"wall1", "position": "-6 6 0", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 0.1, "depth":18 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"back wall1", "position": "0 6 -9", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 12, "depth":0.1 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"front wall1", "position": "0 6 9", "geometry": { "primitive": "box", "height": 12, "width": 12, "depth":0.1 }, "material": { "color": "#CBF" } },
{ "id":"kitchen", "children":[ "#floor", "#wall1", "#wall2", "#wall3", "#wall4" ] },
{ "id":"end placeholder so i don't have to remove the comma due to the json parser being so picky" }
{ "id":"video", "position": { "x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 19 }, "rotation": { "x": 0, "y": 180, "z": 0}, "scale": 45, "html": "<video autoplay loop='true' crossorigin='anonymous' src='' type='video/mp4' playsinline webkit-playsinline style='position: absolute;z-index: -1000;'></video>" }
view raw metaverse.json hosted with ❤ by GitHub